Advanced Custom Fields plugin gives a possibility to create a custom options page. This can be fairly easy accomplished if you know PHP by using this function acf_add_options_page(). For those who is not comfortable with PHP or just want an easier way of doing this, WP ACF-VC Bridge plugin allows creating custom options pages right from WordPress admin panel.
Where Can You Create ACF Custom Options Page in WP Admin?
In your WP Admin panel, go to WP ACF-VC Bridge settings page.

There you’ll find a meta box called “Custom Options Pages”

How to Create Custom ACF Options Pages?
This part is very easy. Just click “Add Options Page” button and fill the form. Only page title is mandatory, other fields are optional. You’ll notice that you can also create Subpages for your Options page. To do so, just click “Add Subpage” and fill the form. Here is an sample for you:

After you save settings, you’ll see your custom options pages in sidebar.

Once you have your custom Options Pages in place, go create custom field groups and set location to your newly created options pages.

How Many Custom Options Pages Can You Create?
You’ve probably noticed already that ACF Repeater field is used for configuring custom options pages. There is no limit set to the amount of Options Pages or Subpages, so you have a total freedom organizing them as you need.