ACF PRO plugin is bundled with WP ACF-VC Bridge. However, sometimes a theme or other plugins, which depend on ACF or ACF PRO, can’t detect the existence of ACF PRO. To fix this, just add the following code somewhere to functions.php file of your child theme:

add_filter( 'option_active_plugins', function( $active_plugins = array() ) {
  $active_plugins = $active_plugins && is_array( $active_plugins ) ? $active_plugins : array();
  if ( ! in_array( 'advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php', $active_plugins ) ) {
    $active_plugins []= 'advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php';
  return $active_plugins;
} );

Sample error messages

  • ACF-VC Integrator require Advanced Custom Fields or Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin installed and activated. Link to plugin

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